Fylde Council is undertaking a Housing Survey to help provide an understanding of affordable housing need in Fylde over the next 5 years. A group of people of particular interest are essential local workers and key workers.
Essential local workers are frontline public sector employees, e.g., NHS staff, teachers, police, firefighters, military personnel, social care workers, and childcare workers. Some non-public sector workers are also included, e.g., those working in transport, food and necessary goods, communication, and financial services.
The Council urges anyone who considers themselves to be an essential local worker to respond to the survey, which is also open to anyone who lives or works in the Fylde Council area.
Some households may have received a postal questionnaire already, but anyone – including those who do not currently reside in Fylde but wishing to do so – can participate using the online survey: www.tinyurl.com/fylde
The survey, conducted by Justin Gardner Consulting and CNB Housing Insights, provides participants with the opportunity to explain their current housing circumstances and any future housing intentions. It also provides opportunity to highlight any additional support needs or concerns they may have. This will help Fylde Council to better understand affordable housing needs in the Borough and ensure that local needs are met.
Anyone taking part in the survey can opt into a draw to win one of three £100 prizes. The survey will be available from 17th January 2022 and will close in the week beginning 13th February 2022.
The more responses received, the more accurate the study will be, so the Council strongly urges individuals to participate either by post or online, and encourage others to do so, especially if they are in housing need or living in unsuitable housing.
The Council has provided a helpline for assistance with any of the questions or to discuss the questionnaire, on freephone 0800 6440017.
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