Fylde Council is to trial a new indoor recycling bag initially for residents in St Annes starting on Friday 16 September 2022 with the view to a full phase rollout from October 2022.
Residents in the initial trial area – the new housing development off Clifton Drive North in St Annes – will be provided with these new bags free of charge, into which they can place their dry recycling before it’s transferred into the corresponding bin. The recycling bags are not intended as a replacement for the current recycling bins, but as a convenient means of storing recycling before it goes out for collection.
Each household in the trial area will receive the following:
- 1 x indoor hessian recycling bag
- 1 x battery recycling bag
- 1 x information leaflet on recycling at home
The indoor recycling bags have been funded externally through Lancashire County Council funding specifically to target recycling contamination across Lancashire. The battery bags have also been funded externally through a successful separate LCC funding bid. Eventually, an indoor and a battery recycling bag will be delivered to each household on the blue & brown wheeled bins over the next 12 months in phases based on the recycling collection rounds.
Cllr Roger Small, Chairman of Fylde Council’s Operational Management Committee, said: “Fylde residents have always been avid recyclers, but sometimes we find that dry recycling is tied inside a plastic bag before being placed in the bin. As we’re unable to accept plastic bags as a form of recycling, this results in our operatives being unable to collect the bin. By providing these made-for-purpose indoor recycling bags free of charge, we hope to both cut down on rejected collections and make it easier for people to do their part for the environment.”
For more information about recycling in Fylde, including collection schedules and the types of recycling our operatives are able to accept, visit the Fylde Council website.
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