Fylde Council has released a draft of its Corporate Plan for the period 2020-2024 – and wants to know what residents think.
The plan has gone out for public consultation and includes the council’s economic, environmental, efficiency and tourism goals, as well as how the council plans to achieve its goals.
The Corporate Plan includes the development of master plans for Fylde’s town centres and transport infrastructure improvements.
It also sets out the council’s plastics and carbon reduction policy, a parks and open spaces plan, flooding protection measures, a programme of tourism events, parking provision and arts policies.
The Corporate Plan also includes details of how Fylde will improve its efficiency and ensure all residents can access its services.
The consultation period seeks the views of everyone who has an interest in Fylde, and the council wants to gather views on its proposed vision and mission which will be in place for the next four years.
Councillor Sue Fazackerley, Leader of Fylde Council said: “A lot of time and effort by elected members and officers has already gone into the drawing up of our next Corporate Plan which we hope will provide a blueprint for our Borough for the next four years to help us go from strength to strength as a Borough whose achievements, in every area of Council activity, are ones of which we can be justly proud.”
Councillor Karen Buckley, Deputy Leader for Fylde Council and Chair of the Finance and Democracy Committee added: “Our plan for the next 4 years includes manifesto commitments and priorities raised on the doorstep during the local election campaign last year. We want to deliver the very best for our council taxpayers and will work across all tiers of government to do just that.
The information received will help to test the draft plan and will also help us to further refine the objectives before the plan is approved Full Council in April 2020.
The consultation will be live until 31st January 2020, and can be accessed on our website: https://new.fylde.gov.uk/council/consultation/