Fylde Council is seeking to gather evidence to inform our review of the use of residential premises as children’s care homes in Fylde Borough.
As planning permission is not always required to change the use of a residential dwelling to a children’s care home, concern has been expressed that residential children’s homes are being established in an uncontrolled and uncoordinated manner across the borough.
During the summer, the Council’s Internal Affairs Scrutiny Committee (IASC) appointed a working group of members to undertake an in-depth review. Further details of the scope of the review can be found in the report to IASC on 20 June 2023 (item 3).
As part of the review, we are interested to hear from members of the community who may be affected by this matter and/ or wish to submit any comments/views.
The Committee is inviting written submissions which address the following lines of inquiry:
- Have you had views in relation to the proposed use of a residential dwelling as a children’s home in your neighbourhood?
- Did you feel you were adequately consulted by the authorities/care home operators of the proposals at the time?
- If a children’s home did subsequently open in a residential dwelling in your neighbourhood what was your experience after the home had been open in relation to any perceptions you had prior to opening?
Guidance on submitting written evidence.
Short, concise submissions are preferred, and submissions longer than 1,500 words should include a one-page summary. Please ensure the submission is free of signatures. Paragraphs should be numbered, and submissions should be dated. Evidence that is accepted by the Council may be published online at any stage. Personal contact details will be removed from evidence before publication but will be retained by the Council and used for specific purposes relating to the Council’s work, for instance to seek additional information.
Written submissions may be submitted online, as a Word document and emailed to scrutiny@fylde.gov.uk
Deadline for written evidence submissions
The Scrutiny Team at Fylde is now able to receive written evidence. The deadline for written submissions is 5.00pm on 27 October 2023.