Fylde Council has recently trailed using hessian sacks to present and store the green refuse sacks for non-recycle waste.
The hessian sacks are designed to deter attacks on the green refuse sacks by most animals and birds, which can make a mess of the area that you live.
Following the successful trial, we saw a reduction in the amount of split green refuse sacks and spillages of waste. As a result, we have further rolled out the scheme by recently issuing the hessian sacks to part of St Albans Road in St Annes, and are due to issue to Wood Street, Park Road and Orchard Road in St Annes this week.
If you receive a hessian sack then please use this to store your green refuse sacks and present each week in the usual location on your collection day, either the evening before collection or by 7:30 am on the day of collection. Once emptied, we will return the hessian sack to your property, along with your allocation of two green sacks.
Councillor Roger Small, Chair of the Operational Management Committee for Fylde Council said: “We are really pleased to see this initiative now operating within our borough. Nothing looks worse than rubbish scattered on our streets, having been attacked by marauding seagulls.
The over bags have proved an effective deterrent and since their introduction we have had no incidents. We are monitoring this situation carefully and will extend this scheme further as necessary. Could I also take this opportunity to thank those residents who use the overbags, as reports back indicate they are also pleased with the results.”
We will continue to monitor any other areas that are experiencing problems with sacks being split open and issue with hessian sacks accordingly.