Fylde Council has submitted their response to the Government’s consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Following consideration of the proposed changes by the Local Plan Steering Group, the Council’s Head of Planning was asked to write to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government, outlining the Council’s position.

Councillor Richard Redcliffe, Chairman of Fylde’s Planning Committee and Deputy Leader of the Council, said:

“We consider that it is important to retain a plan led system rather than planning applications being made on a piecemeal basis.

“Fylde Council has significant concerns that some of the changes proposed by the government, particularly relating to housing supply and the interim arrangements, would undermine the development strategy set out in our local plan which was only adopted in December 2021 following extensive consultation.”

A full copy of Fylde Council’s representation is available below: Fylde Council response to NPPF consultation September 2024

The government has advised that, due to the number of representations it has received, it is likely that revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework will not be published until the new year.

Further details about the proposed changes to national planning policy are available on the government’s website at: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/proposed-reforms-to-the-national-planning-policy-framework-and-other-changes-to-the-planning-system

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