Sushi is a Japanese dish made of prepared rice served with an accompaniment, which is often raw seafood. Sashimi is a Japanese delicacy made consisting of fresh raw fish or meat sliced into thin pieces.

When the main ingredient is raw fish, both dishes can carry risks associated with parasitic infection. Whether the fish is wild or farmed can affect the food, and freezing will produce a safer product.

To minimise the risk of parasitic infection, ensure that purchase fish and fishery products from a trusted source, and question its origin, including when and where it was prepared.  

To free more about freezing fish and other fishery products, visit the Food Standards Agency website.

General Consumer Advice

Always check labels attached to food products and follow manufacturers instructions. Before ordering from a café, restaurant or takeaway, ensure sufficient enquiries are made about the dish and its suitability for your consumption. Always follow government guidance on foods that have an implication of greater risk. Follow specific advice if certain foods are intended for certain risk groups or individuals. Consumption and sourcing of food for/by the young, the elderly, mums to be, those who are immuno-compromised or suffering certain illnesses should always be with care.   

Finally, always check the food hygiene rating of a business before ordering. The National Food Hygiene Ratings are available to assist you in making an informed choice.

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