Ten areas of Fylde Council’s district are covered by orders restricting the consumption of alcohol. The effect of each order is that an individual, when required by a constable, must not consume alcohol, and must surrender any alcohol to the constable. Individuals can be prosecuted or given a fixed penalty of up to £100 if they do not comply. The orders were originally made as designated public places orders under the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001, but now have effect as public spaces protection orders under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
The orders expire on 14 October, but the council is minded, subject to consultation responses, to extend their operation for a further three years. We are interested in your views about whether the orders should be extended.
Further details about the orders, including a list of the areas of the council’s district that they cover, are in the documents below.
If you have any observations, comments or questions about the proposals, please let us know by emailing ian.curtis@fylde.gov.uk. We will consider what you say when taking the final decision whether to extend the orders, as long as you respond by Friday 18 September.