A campaign to help reduce litter across Fylde during an exceptionally busy summer has been hailed a resounding success. Fylde Council’s Take It, Don’t Leave It campaign has led to a significant reduction in litter and has encouraged even more volunteers to support clean-up operations on beaches and in rural communities. The campaign was launched in July…

Read more Take it, Don’t Leave It hits the mark

Employees at Snowdon Road Depot have recently benefitted from a modern upgrade to the facilities there. The Council has invested much needed funds in completely renovating the office and workspace area at the Snowdon Road Depot with fantastic new modern facilities for all the employees that work from the location. There is now a clean, efficient, and…

Read more Fylde Council staff based at Snowdon Road Depot benefit from much needed facilities upgrade

Fylde Council is committing to tackling the levels of Anti-Social Behaviour in the Borough through improving the CCTV provision in town centres and supporting community partnerships to engage the younger generation. At a recent meeting of the Environment, Health and Housing Committee, Members agreed to approve the replacement of the strategic town centre cameras in St…

Read more Fylde Council commits to more effective CCTV provisions to protect the Borough

Fylde Council has responded to the Government’s UK Resettlement scheme by committing to extend current refugee resettlement support to welcome five Afghan families fleeing the conflict, as well as looking to see how the borough can offer additional help as the situation develops. It is recognised that these families and those across the country will need…

Read more Fylde Council pledges help for Afghan families

A Community Alcohol Partnership (CAP) was launched in Fylde on September 7 to highlight the risks of underage drinking and improve the health and wellbeing of local young people. The CAP will work with youth services and local organisations to provide alcohol-free leisure and sports activities for young people. It will also work with local schools to…

Read more A new partnership launches in Fylde to tackle underage drinking

In response to several attacks on protected wildlife by dogs not on leads in public gardens, Fylde Council is reviewing the current Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) in four locations:
  • Ashton Gardens;
  • The Promenade and Promenade Gardens;
  • Lowther Gardens;
  • Fairhaven Lake.
As part of the review, the Council is inviting feedback from all stakeholders who use…

Read more Fylde Council seeks views on further PSPO controls

Fylde Council has launched a new scheme aimed at encouraging new and exciting activities for young people in the borough. The ARG Youth Activity Scheme will contribute up to £10,000 to support the establishment of new youth provision in Fylde to help with the post pandemic recovery of this vital sector. Aimed at not-for-profit organisations, the funding…

Read more New grant to boost provision for youngsters in Fylde

Fylde Council has been successful in obtaining funding, sponsored by the Local MPs, from the Government's Restoring Your Railway Ideas Fund. Stantec and Allan Rail have been commissioned to prepare a Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC) for the South Fylde Line to improve transport services and infrastructure along the rail corridor. The development of a business case…

Read more South Fylde Line: Next steps

Fylde has seen the creation of a second giant sand art installation, this time featuring a 30m dolphin and blazoning the Council’s ‘Take It, Don’t Leave It’ anti-littering message. The enormous raked artwork was created at low tide, close to St Annes Pier on August 23rd in a striking bid to raise awareness of the effects…

Read more Powerful giant message on Fylde beach – Take It, Don’t Leave It

The NHS mobile vaccination van will be returning to Fylde for three days next week to offer first and second doses of the Pfizer. Anyone eligible can be immunised with no appointment necessary on Monday 23rdAugust in Staining, Wednesday 25th August in St Annes and Friday 27th August in Kirkham. Under new Government guidance from Monday…

Read more Vaccination van returns to Fylde