In 2005, the Licensing Act came into effect, and Fylde Borough Council took over responsibility for issuing licences for the sale of alcohol, from the Magistrates. After asking residents, businesses and the statutory authorities for their opinions about what we planned to do, we issued our first Statement of Licensing Policy in January 2005. This is a key document that provides guidance to local businesses, organisations and individuals when applying for an alcohol licence or the provision of entertainment. It sets out clearly the issues that the Council will consider when looking at these applications, which include how the four licensing objectives set out below should be addressed:
· the prevention of crime and disorder
· public safety
· prevention of public nuisance, and
· the protection of children from harm.
The Statement of Licensing Policy is also used by the Fylde Borough Council’s Licensing Committee and Panels, which are responsible for deciding on all cases where relevant representations against an application have been received. In these cases, the policy sets out what issues the Committee or Panels can consider when reaching their decision.
All licensing authorities are required by law to prepare, consult on and then re-publish their licensing policy every five years (every 3 years prior to 2013) and the latest revision took place during 2023.
This consultation exercise was conducted between 10th November 2023 and 17th December 2023 with the Policy being adopted by Full Council on the 18th March 2024.
We are confident that this Policy seeks to strike a balance between allowing Fylde’s entertainment venues the greater freedoms and flexibility that the Licensing Act offers allowing them to thrive whilst at the same time protecting public safety and the quality of life for everyone who lives, works or visits the borough. It will now be kept under constant review and will be re-published at least every five years.