Sometimes a licensed premises can cause problems or be a nuisance. Where this happens, the Council will attempt to resolve the problems by discussion with all those involved. However, any of the responsible authorities or an interested party such as a person living in the vicinity of the premises may apply to the Licensing Authority to review the licence.
The Guidance issued in accordance with the Licensing Act comments that it would be good practice for licence holders to be given early warning of concerns about problems identified at a premises and of the need for improvement. It would be expected that failure to respond to such warnings would lead to a decision from a responsible authority or interested party to request a review of the licence.
Once an application to review a licence has been submitted, the Licensing Authority will initially identify that the complaint is not frivolous, vexatious or repetitious. Following an application for a review being accepted, there is a period of 28 days during which the Responsible Authorities may make comment upon the application. The Licensing Authority will also advertise the fact that an application for review has been submitted on or near the premises concerned and on our website.
A panel of the Licensing Committee will then consider the application with the options available to them being:
a) to modify the conditions of the licence
b) to exclude a licensable activity from the scope of the licence
c) to remove the Designated Premises Supervisor
d) to suspend the licence for no longer than 3 months
e) to revoke the licence
f) take no further action
However, there are a number of procedural matters involved in applying for a review and it is recommended that prior to submitting an application, contact is made with a member of the Licensing Team –