Please note that the fees below do not come into effect until 1st April 2024.
Our current list of fees and charges can be found here.

What is a local authority search?

A local search is carried out when buying land or property and forms part of the conveyancing process. The standard questions give the potential buyer details of any restrictions or legal obligations, enforceable against successive owners by the local authority or other government departments.

A search is normally submitted in two parts – form LLC1 and form CON29. It is a statutory requirement that all district and metropolitan councils within England and Wales compile, maintain and regularly update their local land charges register.

Form LLC1 is an official request, submitted by a solicitor or licensed conveyancer or a member of the public to the appropriate council asking for a search of the local land charges register to be conducted. The council is under a statutory duty to comply with that request.

On 4th July 2016, Law Society CON29 Enquiries of Local Authority (2016) and Law Society CON29O Optional Enquiries of Local Authority (2016) forms were introduced.

Following HMRCs decision that CON29 and O products submitted to the local authority are considered to be refined data and is therefore subject to VAT at the standard rate of 20%, we will be increasing our fees for the CON29 and O by 20%. The statutory LLC1 Official Certificate of Search is unaffected by this change.

Submitting CON29 and LLC1
Submitting LLC1 Only
Submitting CON29 only
Extra Parcel Fee
CON29 + LLC1 + VAT£19.20
CON29O except Q.22£16.00 (per question)£3.20£19.20
CON29O Q.22£21.00£4.20£25.20
Additional Enquiries£21.00 (per question)£4.20£25.20

Processing Local Searches
Forms can be emailed to

Turnaround Times
We aim to return local searches within 10 working days.

Fylde Council are now able to administer electronic searches through the National Land Information Service Hub (NLIS) and are currently at Level 3 which means that we can receive and return electronic searches. To find out more about this service visit If you wish to use this service, you will need to make arrangements with an NLIS Licensed Channel Provider for the submission of your searches. We suggest you contact the following NLIS Licensed Channel Provider for information on their services:

NLIS Searchflow
Telephone: 0870 7559940

In the first instance please contact Land Charges to see if there is availability for your appointment.

Once you receive confirmation you will need to book separately an appointment to gain access into the Town Hall by using the link and book using the Land Charges Calendar only.

A Personal Search is an inspection of the Local Land Charges Register. It can be carried out by anyone. Please note that a Personal Search does not provide all the information given on a full CON29 form and the document is not signed on behalf Fylde Borough Council.

Q. Is the information only available during set times and is an appointment procedure in place?
A. The Council operates the following guidelines and appointment system for personal searches:

It is the responsibility of the person carrying out the Personal Search to identify the land/property and to make any note of information held on the Register.

For an appointment please contact Land Charges on

Only two personal search companies can be accommodated per day with an individual limit of six properties per visit.

All addresses, including additional addresses (up to a limit of six) to be added to a booked appointment need to be received before 8am on the day before the appointment (excluding weekends).

Location plans are essential for all land and properties with a house name. Preferably please could you email any location plans to

Opening hours – Monday to Friday between the hours of 9.00am to 3.00pm.

If you wish to cancel an appointment or any of the properties booked then please contact Land Charges as soon as possible.

Q. How do I access information and where is it available from?
A. The Land Charges Fee Sheet provides full details on how to request data and the fee required.

To submit any enquiries from the CON29 please email

The replies which require payment will not be available to collect when you complete the inspection of the Land Charges Register, they will be forwarded to you in a report between 5-10 working days after the request has been made. This will not affect any replies which are available to inspect without charge.

Q. Is the CON29 information available without paying a fee?
A. Yes. The Inspection Information report provides all the contact details of the departments where the various CON29 data is held.

If you have any further questions, would like to feed back any comments or suggestions or wish to make a complaint please write to:

Land Charges,
Fylde Borough Council,
Town Hall,
Lytham St. Annes,

Email or call 01253 658507