11/10/2021 Update
Last week the Environment Agency has approved a £12.1M fund towards the regeneration of the St Annes sea wall. Read the full story here.
14/07/2021 Update
The replacement St Annes Seawall proposal was passed unanimously at a Special Operational Management Meeting held on 14th July 2021 and still includes retaining the Miniature Golf, Miniature Railway and Beach Huts in their current location.
We will now submit the proposal to the Environment Agency on 21st July 2021 for a decision in September 2021. Should approval be granted, work could commence on-site as soon as January 2023 and be completed by August 2024.
We will continue to keep you informed of all future developments.
06/07/21 Update
The consultation process on the proposal for the sea defence works in St Annes has proven to be a huge success with excellent feedback from project partners and the public. Following the overwhelming response, the latest proposal now includes all of the much-loved amenities that the public wish to keep. Although there will be some disruption during the construction process, the proposal ensures the retention of the Miniature Golf, the Miniature Railway, and the Beach Huts remaining in their current location.
The proposal is to be presented at the Operational Management Committee Meeting on 14th July 2021. If approved, it will then be submitted to the Environment Agency on 21st July 2021 for a decision in September 2021. Should it gain Environment Agency approval, then work could commence as soon as January 2023 and be completed by August 2024.
Councillor Roger Small, Chairman of the Operational Management Committee, said: “This is an exciting time with the opportunity to protect our assets for the next 100 years, as well as securing £12m of investment in St Annes.”
We have received over 2,000 responses to the consultation with some great feedback and constructive ideas. Due to the high number of responses, we are unable to answer each query. However, there will be a public exhibition for the project before work commences which will provide more information on the project
During the last six months, Fylde Council has been working on options for replacing the existing sea wall around The Island, St Annes.
The sea wall protects over 400 properties and businesses from coastal erosion and flooding. It is nearly 90 years old, and is approaching the end of its design life, with frequent repairs required, and an estimated residual life expectancy of ten years. Its low comparative height to the beach means that overtopping and flooding frequently occur, which is set to increase in line with current climate change predictions.
Storm photograph examples of severe weather events

For the new sea defence to protect St Annes over its predicted design life of 100 years, studies have confirmed that the new sea wall promenade level needs to be approximately 2m higher than the existing promenade, together with a 1m high set back wall. This is a significant height increase and will alter the character of the existing frontage. The challenge is to integrate this elevated sea defence into the Island site.
Plans are being developed to produce an overall vision and masterplan for the Island Site (and St Annes Town Centre), but it is likely to be a number of years before this vision is realised. Ideally, the sea wall replacement and potential future Island development could be undertaken at the same time, minimizing disruption, and producing a seamless transition from the Island buildings and car parks to the sea wall frontage. However, due to the current real risk of flooding and structural failure, it is proposed to develop a sea wall replacement scheme now, ahead of any Island Masterplan proposals. Not only will it continue to protect existing properties and businesses, but it will provide a high-quality public space for visitors and locals to enjoy.
We have seen how visitors and local residents have enjoyed and benefitted from the new sea wall at Fairhaven, Granny’s Bay and Church Scar. The Environment Agency (EA) recognise the success of the Fairhaven to Church Scar scheme and want to build on this and continue working in partnership with Fylde Council, and has indicated that they are prepared to make further funding available for this purpose. They will not be able to fully fund the scheme and it will require contributions. Fylde Council are in a position to contribute a significant sum toward the scheme now but may not be able to do this in the future. In addition, the delivery team and supply chain are still in place, which means that efficiencies can be realised. There are indications that material prices are likely to rise in the future due to current demand. Maintaining the existing sea wall over the last ten years has cost the Council on average over £20,000 a year, and this cost is predicted to rise. Finally, a new sea wall incorporating a high-quality promenade, will attract further investment and act as a catalyst for the redevelopment of the Island site.
Stakeholder Consultation
To accommodate this proposed higher sea defence level, most of the proposed options involve building the new defence further out to sea. This is as a result of the feedback from our first presentation and engagement with stakeholders on 25th February 2021, with invitations being sent out to over 100 businesses and organisations. Stakeholders preferred a buff coloured stepped revetment solution, with an exposed aggregate promenade and set back wall, rather like the new sea defence at Fairhaven and Granny’s Bay. Other options were considered and rejected, such as building a new vertical sea wall in front of the existing one. One of the reasons stakeholders preferred the stepped revetment solution was that they recognised that it is a popular highly used amenity beach, and it would be of benefit to have easier access and improved integration with it. The stepped revetment solution is also better hydraulically than a vertical sea wall, as it deflects the waves more efficiently, assisting in beach level build up rather than scouring sand away, and means the sea defence level can be slightly lower than the vertical sea wall.
To accommodate the 2m height increase and get back down to existing ground levels on the landward side, the new defence will have to extend out to sea. The limitation on this seaward projection has meant that it has been impossible to reinstate all the existing amenities on the landward side (beach huts, golf course and miniature railway), without building a long, 3m high set back wall, along the landward side. Not only is this expensive, and potentially visually intrusive, but it does not permit as much flexibility on the landward side to allow redevelopment of the Island Masterplan in future years.
A solution would be to build the new proposed stepped revetment further out to sea to incorporate all the amenities without any disturbance. Not only is this extremely expensive in terms of the volume of stone fill required, there are limits in terms of how far the new defence can extend out to sea. It would result in a loss of beach and habitat which is known as coastal squeeze. When the tide is near the sea wall, birds such as sanderlings, for example, who feed on marine worms and other invertebrates, have less space to feed on and rest in, which can adversely affect them.
At the second presentation given to stakeholders on Thursday 13th May 2021, these constraints and limitations were presented to them in the form of eight options, with a recommended option to build out towards the sea 7m from the toe of the existing sea defence, the landward side being formed with a simple grassed/vegetated slope. This distance seemed acceptable based on previous discussions with the EA and environmental groups, and was thought to be affordable, and would receive approval. The beach huts and the golf course are displaced/impacted during construction but fully reinstated, however the miniature railway could not be retained in its present position. Full information on the preferred option can be found on the Second Stakeholder meeting presentation slides here. The feedback from the stakeholders was they wished to retain all the amenities in some form, and that they would like to see a compromise solution, which is under active consideration.
Public Consultation Information on the preferred option was published on the Discover Fylde website to the wider public on Friday 14th May 2021 and resulted in an overwhelming response and interest in the proposals, so much so that the mailbox was temporarily closed on Monday 17th May 2021. Thank you to all those who have responded for their interest and input to date.
We have continued to engage and work with key stakeholders attending meetings with them during this time.
We are conscious that this is your scheme and your views are very important to us, so we are now relaunching the consultation. All the comments received previously along with any further responses will be analysed and fully considered in a report to be presented to members who will make the decision on the selection of the final preferred option.
Similar proposal to Granny’s Bay

Similar proposal to Granny’s Bay

Potential view from the sea looking towards the Beach Huts

Potential view from the sea towards the Boating Lake

Archived information from Discover Fylde
We are aiming to submit a feasibility report to the Environment Agency in June 2021, outlining the proposed option for the replacement of St Annes Seawall, as shown on the accompanying drawings and images.
What happens next?
Should it gain approval, then work could commence on site in January 2023, and be completed by June 2024.
Can I have input into the proposed works?
Yes, your feedback is extremely important in shaping the project.
We will shortly be releasing a link to a survey asking you to feedback on the proposals which you will be able to find here once it is available.
In the meantime, the links to the presentations that have already taken place can be found on this page.

Following the recent successful completion of the sea defence works along the coastline between Church Scar and Fairhaven Lake, Fylde Council have obtained funding from the Environment Agency to develop a feasibility study (Outline Business Case) to investigate various options for improving coastal erosion and flood risk management at Pleasure Island, St Annes.
The study area extends from Water’s Edge Café at the northern end, to the southern end of the Miniature Links Golf Course. The objective is to reduce the risk of flooding and erosion to businesses, and to protect people’s homes.
The feasibility study is at an early stage, and a number of alternative options are currently being considered, depending on input and feedback from numerous stakeholders including residents, and businesses.
What happens next?
For the project to proceed we require the feasibility report to be submitted to the Environment Agency for approval in 2021. In line with Government guidance the report will identify and consider various alternative options in terms of; technical viability, buildability, health and safety impacts, environmental opportunities and impacts (including carbon footprint). It will also include an economic assessment to compare the whole life cost of short-listed options, against their benefits. Following this assessment, a preferred solution will be identified which is likely to obtain approval for Government funding. It is anticipated, however, that Fylde Council will have to make a substantial capital contribution. More importantly, it will require your engagement and support.
Subject to approval of the feasibility report, completion of the detailed design and obtaining all necessary consents, licences and approvals, site works could commence as early as spring 2022.
Will I have the opportunity to input into the proposed works?
As the options for the scheme are developed in the following weeks and months, they will be posted on this website, for all to view and comment on, with the aim of determining the preferred Option for submission to the Environment Agency, later this year. Face to face engagement will also be considered , but will be dependent on Covid-19 restrictions at the time.