Fylde Councillors met on Wednesday 4th March 2020 to set the 2020/21 budget, unanimously approving an overall Council Tax increase of 1.99% and several budget growth items.

The Council Tax increase results in an average of £4.11 per annum for a Band D property equating to an increase of less than 10 pence per week for a Band D property which is less than the maximum increase allowed and will help to safeguard services.

The capital growth items that have been approved will enhance the local environment for residents and visitors and include:

  • Support for the Kirkham Town Centre High Street Heritage Action Zone
  • Support for the Elswick Village Green scheme
  • Support for the Wesham regeneration scheme
  • Additional funding for the improvement to Children’s Play Areas
  • Further investment in the infrastructure at Lytham Park cemetery
  • A drainage improvement scheme at Blackpool Road North Playing Fields
  • Improvements and enhancements to the Council depot at Snowdon Road
  • The refurbishment of the conveniences at Pleasant Street Car Park
  • The creation of several hydration points (water fountains) within the borough
  • The development of digital signage points to deliver information to residents and visitors


In addition to the capital growth items there are 3 further revenue budget proposals for 2020/21 including:

  • Additional support for the Citizens’ Advice Bureau
  • Additional staffing resources for the Splash water play facility
  • Additional resources for the maintenance and provision of bus shelters


All of these will contribute to ensuring Fylde is a vibrant and thriving place to live and visit and this will be achievable through the modest additional sum residents are asked to pay on their Council Tax bill.

Councillor Sue Fazackerley MBE, Fylde Council Leader, said: “This is another excellent budget demonstrating Fylde’s prudent and skilful use of our residents’ Council Tax contributions and this is evidenced by the high standard of our core services and the proposed capital growth items which will benefit communities right across our Borough. I am also delighted that we are able to keep our Council Tax increase below the maximum allowed which will be appreciated by all our residents”.

Councillor Karen Buckley, Chair of the Finance and Democracy Committee, said:

“At Fylde we challenge budgets every year to make sure taxpayers’ money is spent wisely. Savings are re-invested in the borough and every opportunity is taken to secure extra funding from central government in the form of grants.

Fylde Council is delighted with the success of the Kirkham Town Centre Bid for funding as a ‘High Street Heritage Action Zone’, part of the Government’s Future High Street Funding initiative. The Planning Committee meeting of 22nd January 2020 supported the proposal that Fylde Council should also provide funding in support of the initiative, this being one of the proposed capital bids for 2020/21.

The Council would like to make a similar aspirational commitment to the regeneration and revitalisation of St Annes town centre. All opportunities for external funding will be explored in pursuit of this initiative and the Council wish to indicate its own willingness to support the endeavour by confirming that financial support to a St Annes town centre regeneration scheme will be a priority commitment on the Councils Funding Volatility Reserve.


Nobody likes paying council tax and, even though the amount paid to Fylde on the council tax bill is comparatively low, it is important that residents have confidence in the services provided and they remain high quality and provide value for money. Unlike many authorities, we are not increasing council tax to the maximum allowed, instead choosing an increase of an average of £4.11 per annum for a Band D property.”