The Lancashire Resilience Forum (LRF) has issued guidance on restrictions around upcoming faith and community events for the remainder of 2020 due to coronavirus.
The restrictions relate to upcoming events including: Prophet Muhammad’s birthdate (28/29 October), Halloween (31 October), Bonfire celebrations (5 – 7 November), Remembrance Sunday (8 November), Diwali (14 November), Hanukkah (10 – 18 December) and the switching on of Christmas lights.
In line with national restrictions on numbers at events and our strong advice in Lancashire to avoid households mixing, the decision has been taken to prohibit large scale events to mark these occasions in Lancashire.
Angie Ridgwell, Chair of the Lancashire Resilience Forum, said:
“We know these are important events for everyone in our community and we’re sorry that we have to do this. We haven’t taken these decisions lightly and really grateful for your support. By following this guidance we will all limit the spread of coronavirus and help keep people safe.
“While Lancashire continues to experience a rapid increase of coronavirus cases that puts the county among the highest level of transmissions in the country, large scale community events create too great a risk for the public.
“It is vital that we all work together to follow these regulations and avoid the temptation to break the rules on visiting other people’s homes or gardens to celebrate these events putting yourself and others at risk.
“We are working with various faith and business groups as well as charitable and community organisations – such as the British Legion – to see whether alternative arrangements can be made to mark these occasions.”
Small scale or civic events, such as a ceremonial wreath laying, will be permitted providing permission has been sought from the relevant local authority. Any agreed event will have to be Covid-secure with no more than 15 people present, and no households mixing.
Unfortunately, trick or treating will not be permitted this year as it would increase the risk of household transmissions.
If you have any questions relating to events in Fylde please contact