The Borough Council is committed to consulting with the community on a wide range of issues. This consultation is about our proposed revised Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy.
During the summer of 2020, the Secretary of State for Transport published the Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards which licensing authorities must have regard to when setting, implementing, and reviewing policies and practices that underpin local taxi and private hire licensing regimes.
Fylde Council currently apply a number of the standards in the current Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy, but some of those areas now require further clarification and amendments
A summary of the proposals has therefore been prepared and updates to the Policy are therefore proposed which the Authority intends to consult upon.
Before amending the policy, however, the authority intends to consult widely on what it should contain. In addition to those it must consult by law, the Council has identified a number of groups, organisations and individuals from whom it wishes to seek views. The views of all concerned are important to the Council in reaching a fair and proportionate policy in respect of licensing within the Borough. We want, therefore, to give the industry and other interested parties, including those that use or have strong views about these activities the opportunity to be involved in the formulation of appropriate policies.
When is the consultation taking place?
From 19th July to 31st August 2021.
We, therefore, need to receive any views by 31st August 2021.
How do I respond to the Consultation?
An online questionnaire is available for your convenience to assist respondents. Or please feel free to download the form, complete it and send it or fax it to us. Alternatively, you may wish to comment in detail on the draft policy, which is equally welcome. In this case, it will help us considerably if you refer to the draft policy by paragraph number when responding. The draft policy is available here.
It will also be of assistance if you could include in your response your name, address and contact telephone number. If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, it would also be useful if you could give the name of the organisation and a brief description of who the organisation represents. We are, however, equally willing to receive anonymous submissions.
Where do I send my Response to?
Chris Hambly,
Environmental Health Manager,
Fylde Borough Council,
Town Hall,
Lytham St Annes,
Tel: 01253 658658
What will happen next?
At the end of the consultation period, all of the responses will be collated and included in a Summary of Responses paper that the Council intends to publish on this website and make freely available. A decision on the policies which it is proposing to adopt will then by made by the Public Protection Committee.
If you have any further enquiries about this consultation document, please contact Chris Hambly on 01253 658422 or at the above address.