In October 2022 Fylde Council were awarded a total allocation of £2.6m from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), which forms part of the Government’s Levelling Up agenda.

The UKSPF programme objectives are:

  • Communities and Place
  • Supporting Local Business
  • People and Skills

Fylde Council, alongside the Fylde UKSPF Partnership Group made up of members of the public, private and third sectors, allocated a total of £100,000 to allow for larger community based projects to come forward for funding.  The £100,000 allocation must be spent by Fylde Council over a 2-year period between April 2023 and March 2025.  The funding is allocated annually, and the breakdown is very clear and very specific:

  • Year 2 (Apr 23-Mar 24) £23,991 (all funding awarded and defrayed by 31 March 24)
  • Year 3 (Apr 24-Mar 25) £76,009 (all funding awarded and defrayed by 31 March 25)

The new funding cohort for the Community Wellbeing Fund is now available. Applications will be accepted until March 25, or until the funding has been fully allocated.

The Community Wellbeing Fund will offer grants of up to £5000 and will be delivered under the Communities and Place objective, which has the following Intervention associated with it:

  • E9 – Impactful volunteering and/or social action projects

Within this intervention, the following Outcomes and Outputs are expected to be achieved, therefore ALL project applications will need to demonstrate how their projects will achieve these outputs and outcomes and provide monitoring information on request:

  1. Improved Engagement Numbers (the increase in number of individuals engaged by your project)

Note: In order to demonstrate an increase in numbers, you will need to supply in your application   the number of individuals already engaged before the start of this UKSPF-funded project.

  1. Volunteering Numbers as a result of support (numerical value)

Note: You will need to report at the end of your project the number of volunteers that were supported as a result of this UKSPF-funded project.

iii.         Number of volunteering opportunities supported

Note: This is the number of new opportunities created as a result of this UKSPF-funded project, rather than individual people as volunteers.

ALL projects will be expected to provide a project progress report at a midway point and upon completion of their project (dates will be agreed upon application approval).  These reports are to allow the UKSPF programme team to monitor and report on progress to the Fylde Partnership Group and the Government’s UKSPF team.

Grant and Project Publicity

It is important that we are able to share the good work that our UKSPF funding supports through press releases, website posts and social media. By accepting a grant, you are agreeing to the appropriate publication of your project details via these methods.

For any press releases produced by your organisation on your project, you agree to include the following statement as required by UK Government:

‘[This project/Name of project] has received £[INSERT AMOUNT] from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund’.

Where details of Fund activities are published on a website, a clear and prominent reference to the funding from the UKSPF is to be included as follows:

‘This project is [funded/part-funded] by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.’


The Fylde Council Logo, along with a ‘Funded by UK Government’ and ‘Levelling Up’ logo should be included in all publicity. Please see Appendix 2 for relevant logos.


The Council would appreciate seeing pictures of the projects it funds. These might be photos that you already have or ones that you are taking to celebrate your new project.

Fylde Council are interested to see pictures which tell the story of your project, show people interacting with each other or using the facilities or equipment.

You can email your photos to the Economic Development and Regeneration Team at  Please ensure that you have consent from the people in the photo before sending them to us. Please also include credit information so they are ready to be used on the Council’s website and/or social media.

Once your project is up and running, remember to continue to promote your UKSPF funding by using the UKSPF and Levelling Up logo on social media, in press releases and at any events you may hold.