Fylde Council are delighted to be supporting the 17th National Apprenticeship Week (NAW), a week dedicated to the celebration of apprentices. NAW, to be held from 5-11 February 2024, provides an opportunity to promote the positive impacts for apprentices, employers and the wider economy.   Apprenticeships combine on-the-job experience…

Read more Fylde Council Celebrates National Apprenticeship Week

One of the major responsibilities of Fylde Council’s Environmental Health team is to ensure all food and drink intended for human consumption by Fylde’s food businesses is produced, stored, distributed and handled without risk to the health and safety of the consumer.  When businesses serve food that is unfit, or fail to keep…

Read more Food Safety in Fylde: Case Study

Fylde residents and business owners are reminded of the importance of animal welfare licensing after a recent court case saw an unlicensed dog boarding operator receive sentencing.  One of the responsibilities of Fylde Council’s Environmental Health team is to promote and protect the welfare of animals in pet shops, animal boarding facilities, and…

Read more Animal Welfare Licensing: How We Can Help

The Kirkham Public Realm road closure in Kirkham town centre has been extended until 5pm on Friday 9 February 2024.  The works, involving full carriageway reconstruction on Poulton Street to the junction of Kirkgate and its junctions with Freckleton Street and Preston Street, are a crucial part of the Kirkham Futures regeneration project.Read more Kirkham Futures: Poulton Street Road Closure Extended Until Friday 9 February

Over the weekend of 13-14 January 2024, Fylde Council’s Waste Minimisation Team working in partnership with Trinity Hospice and 41 volunteers from the community delivered Fylde Council’s annual doorstep collection of real Christmas trees.  The event was a huge success, collecting a total of 1282 real Christmas trees from households…

Read more Fylde Christmas Tree Collection Raises £19,275 for Trinity Hospice

Fylde Council seeks to remind eligible residents that they can still apply for help through the Household Support Fund until 31 March 2024.   Assistance with short-term living costs such as food bills, energy and water bills, clothing and other essentials is available for eligible households in Fylde who are experiencing financial hardship and…

Read more Household Support Fund Still Available for Fylde Residents

Fylde Council’s highly successful CHANGE free adult weight management programme has been funded for another five years, with a right to extend for another three, through a Lancashire County Council Healthy Weight Services Grant. From April 2024, Fylde Council's new Healthy Weight Services programme will also include family sessions, building on the success of…

Read more Further Healthy Weight Services Funding Secured as CHANGE Weight Management Programme Continues to Make Big Difference

Active Lancashire, in partnership with Fylde Council, announces a community-wide consultation initiative aimed at shaping the future of sport and leisure facilities in Fylde. This initiative will help to strategically plan the future of leisure and sport activities in Fylde, and is designed to gather input from Fylde residents and community organisations. The survey invites those…

Read more Active Lancashire Announces Sport and Leisure Provision Survey In Partnership With Fylde Council

Fylde Council has taken action under Section 78 of the Building Act 1984 to make safe a building on St Andrews Road South, St Annes, following a partial wall collapse at a residential property.  Structural scaffolding has been installed to support the remaining wall and prevent further collapse, with further work having removed…

Read more Statement on making safe a property on St Andrews Road South