
The Council spent in 2020/21 £7,877m on revenue and £4.893m on capital. These spending plans provide organisations of all sizes with a range of commercial opportunities.

How to do business with Fylde Council

Suppliers and contractors are encouraged to read the guide, which provides information on how to do business with the Council. Further information is…

Read more Procurement

There are a number of reliefs and exemptions available for local business depending on the size of their premises and how it is used. The most common reliefs and exemptions are detailed for occupied and unoccupied empty premises.

Occupied properties

Small business rate relief

You may be eligible for small business rate relief if…

Read more Ways to reduce your bill

Establishing a food business is not just a question of ensuring that there is a market for the products you intend to sell. There are a number of areas of legislation that you must consider in order for the business to comply with the law and some of these are as follows: -

Registration of the…

Read more Advice to New Businesses

Fylde Borough Council has a responsibility to ensure that drivers, proprietors and operators of hackney carriage and private hire vehicles are fit and proper persons to hold such licenses.

Accordingly, taxis, their drivers and operators are licensed annually by the council. Vehicles are subject to mechanical tests and drivers undergo periodic CRB and medical checks.


The council…

Read more Taxi Licensing