The Live Music Act 2012
Live music in licensed venues
Live music has ceased to be regulated entertainment in venues licensed for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises in the following situations:
• when it is unamplified and takes place between 8am and 11pm; and
• when it is amplified and takes place in the presence of an audience of 200 persons
or less and is provided between 8am and 11pm.
The premises must be open for the sale of alcohol during the time that the live music is provided for the exemption/s to take effect.
Additionally, any condition attached to the Premises Licence relating to live music ceases to have effect in respect of the live music unless the Licensing Authority states otherwise on the licence pursuant to a Review hearing.
Live music in venues which are not licensed
For those premises which are not licensed for alcohol sales, the Bill states that live
music is not regulated entertainment when it is unamplified and takes place between
8am and 11pm.
Amplified live music in non-licensed venues will still require formal authorisation from the Licensing Authority, such as a Premises Licence or Temporary Event Notice.
Provision of facilities for making music and dancing
In addition the Act removes the provision of facilities for making music and dancing as forms of regulated entertainment.