Fylde Council has established a discretionary hardship scheme in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The scheme can reduce the Council Tax liability for anyone who has started self-employment after April 5th 2019 and is NOT already in receipt of the Council Tax Reduction benefit or other Government assistance schemes in response to Coronavirus. If you fall…

Read more Council Tax Discount for Newly Self-Employed

Fylde Council is resolute in continuing to deliver essential services to our residents and offer vital support to the most vulnerable in our community; thanks to a wealth of volunteers across all sectors of the Council, together we have redeployed staff and resources to meet our changing demands. Our staff are going above and beyond to…

Read more Fylde Council staff redeployed to deliver essential services

The Government has passed regulations allowing local authorities to conduct their meetings with greater flexibility, providing the option to cancel Annual General Meetings. The regulations came into force on 4th April 2020, and apply to local authority meetings, required to be held on, or before, 7th May 2021. In line with the regulations passed, it…

Read more Changes to the Leadership of Fylde Council

Last week, thanks to the wonderful people at Mars the Fylde Community Hub received a donation of Easter eggs. Prior to this generous donation, any Easter eggs have been added to food parcels for the vulnerable and given to volunteers as a thank you for their support, and receiving this donation of eggs has meant they…

Read more Fylde Council Offering Easter Eggs as a Thank You to Care Homes

The Lancashire Resilience Forum has recently given the thumbs up to the Fylde Community Hub following a visit last week. The council set up the community hub to support the isolated and lonely residents of the Borough who do not have friends, family or neighbours to assist during the period of isolation required as a result…

Read more Fylde Community Hub gets a thumbs up from the Lancashire Resilience Forum

The council has set up a community hub in Fylde to support isolated and lonely residents of the Borough who are without friends, family or neighbours to assist during the period of isolation required as a result of the Coronavirus. A dedicated phone line has been set up to take calls from those who need support…

Read more Fylde Council sets up Community Hub to help the most vulnerable through the COVID-19 crisis