The final version of the 2024-28 Corporate Plan has been approved by full Council on 15 July 2024, after deliberation at both the Internal Affairs Scrutiny Committee and the Executive Committee, as well as consultation with residents and other stakeholders. 

The Corporate Plan is the Council’s primary strategic document, outlining the priority objectives and outcomes to be delivered on behalf of the community. A comprehensive and forward-looking document, it lays out the goals, objectives, and actionable steps the council plans to take to deliver their vision. 

Fylde Council’s established vision is for “Fylde to be a place where people choose to live, work and raise a family; retire and feel safe; visit and want to return.”  

To achieve this, the 2024-28 Corporate Plan includes five strategic commitments: 

  1. Quality services 
  2. Clean and Green Environment 
  3. Vibrant and Healthy Economy 
  4. Safe and Caring Community 
  5. A Great Place to Visit 

The draft Corporate Plan also outlines various initiatives. These include regeneration of St Annes Square, completing the Beach Hub and enhancing beach accessibility, improving lighting and signage in St Annes Square, reviewing the Fylde Local Plan, installing more Changing Places toilets, refurbishing the Long Gallery at Lytham Hall, upgrading town centre CCTV, and delivering the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan, amongst numerous other projects. 

Additionally, the plan addresses how Fylde will improve the efficiency and accessibility of its services for all residents. 

Cllr Karen Buckley, Leader of Fylde Council, said: “We are grateful to those residents and stakeholders who provided feedback to assist with the refinement of the plan for the next four years. This blueprint lays out our commitments to all who live and work in Fylde, and will enable us to monitor Council performance, identify opportunities that will best serve the public, and put our community first.” 

The 2020-2024 Corporate Plan Closure Report was presented to Council at the same committee, with members noting the excellent progress made given the challenging local, regional, national and international circumstances during the period. These four years saw the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent recovery period, the energy cost crisis, and the commencement of the cost-of-living crisis. 

Despite this, the Council was able to deliver 69 (84%) of the 82 actions contained within the previous Plan, with 9 carried over into the 2024-28 Corporate Plan and 4 being identified as no longer applicable due to changes in circumstances or obsoletion through other decisions. 

The full 2024-28 Corporate Plan can be found on the Fylde Council website here: 


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